Welcome to Kingston Green Party

Green Party achieves best ever General Election result in Kingston and Surbiton

Congratulations to our Green Party candidate Dr Debojyoti Das on our best ever result ever result!

On Thursday 4th July, the Green Party achieved its best ever result in Kingston and Surbiton. We went from 1.7% of the vote in 2019 to almost 6% in 2024.

A BIG THANKYOU to everyone who voted for us.

Whilst this may seem a small share of the vote, our votes in Kingston and Surbiton contributed to nearly 2 million Green Party votes across England and Wales – more than double the votes obtained in 2019.

And most importantly we now have now gone from one to FOUR GREEN MPs in parliament and your votes directly contribute to the funding of this Green Group (through a mechanism commonly known as Short Money – an annual payment made to opposition parties based on the total number of votes the party gains).

Voting Green sends a powerful message to the new Labour government that they need to bolder in their ambitions for tackling the climate and ecological crises, on delivering a green economy, tackling inequality and fixing our NHS.


Find out what we’ve been up to, about issues in your area, and see the work we’ve done in the past.

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Get involved to help get Greens elected. A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.

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We always welcome volunteers to help with our campaigning work. Could you help deliver our newsletters, or go out with our campaign team and speak to local residents about their concerns?

We are particularly keen to find more volunteers with fundraising, webpress, writing, graphic design,research or administrative skills. Whatever your level of experience and however much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you.

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